
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tip Tuesday: Don't Juggle Too Much (How To Not Feel Like a Circus Act)

WELL, HELLLLLO THERE!!! I's been a little bit since I have done a Tip Tuesday or a blog post in general; I have had a lot going on. I thought the lessons that I have learned from being so busy could serve well as a Tip Tuesday or maybe even just a life lesson. Even if I can help just one person, this information will serve well.

Without going into a long heart-felt story (I'll save you the tears and the whoa-is-me type feelings), I have found myself in a juggling act so to speak with family, education, career, housework, ect. Free time? What is that? I would love to know. So, I found myself feeling as if I was juggling all these things in the air and nothing was getting accomplished. To add to the juggling act, more responsibility was getting put on me so now here comes the circus act...juggling and spinning dishes on a spindle. That is what I can equate my life to until just recently (hours ago to be honest).

So where is the Tip Tuesday in all of this you ask? Here it goes. We live in a world where people expect instant results. We get tugged in so many different directions and for some reason society nowadays has become to act in an ‘I want it and I want it now’ mentality. One person can only do so much and when all you are doing is this circus act, nothing is getting done and you could come across as irresponsible when that is not the case at all. This is when you need to take a step back, re-evaluate everything you have going on and reassess what is really important. For me the list goes something like this:

#1 in my life is my family.
#2 is everything else.

With that being said, we still need time to enjoy ourselves as well. A lot of times when we become adults, we get caught up in this fast-paced world and we can even lose ourselves in it. Yes, we need to make sure family, education, career and things like that are met, but all those spinning dishes? I think some of them just need to be let go. If it is something that is sucking the happiness from your life or it's just too much and it's not an absolute need...then why do we need to keep it spinning? No one wants to look like a circus clown.

These are my thoughts on it anyway and I would love to hear yours as well. Feel free to comment with those thoughts right here or even share this post with someone who it may help. I am in no way a counselor or suggest that you take this advice. This is what I have found to be helpful in my life and if you find that it is helpful for you in any way, it was worth sharing.

That's it for this week's Tip Tuesday! I hope that I can let go of a few more spinning dishes :) so that I can bring more consistent content coming your way! Until next time! :)

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