
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Final Finish at Flawless Smashbox FREE Product-Challenges 7-9

 REMINDER: The last Finish at Flawless challenges from Smashbox will unlock tomorrow, so be sure to keep an eye out for my blog post throughout the day for the answers. Also, if you haven't completed challenges 1-6 yet check out my other blog posts for those answers. Links will be provided direct to the challenge page so you can complete them. 1-6 need to be completed to participate in challenges 7-9. Good luck everyone! :)

Challenge 1-3 Answers:

Challenge 4-6 Answers:

Please note: You will not receive the products offered from challenges 1-6 if you did not particpate on the days they were unlocked, but again, they still need to be completed before you can do 7-9. Also, once you complete all 9 challenges, you will be entered for a chance to win a trip to L.A.! :)


Challenge 7-9 Answers:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Buying in Bulk (Are You Really Saving Money?)

This week's Tip Tuesday is to inform you about whether or not you are benefiting from buying that Family Size package next time you go to buy a product. Bigger is not always better. Sometimes you actually save money by buying the smaller package. Look at the price tag on the shelving for the product. Somewhere on there (depending what store you shop at) should show a price per unit broken down in cents. In some cases (not all) you will find that you are actually saving by buying the smaller size. So next time you are at the grocery store, take a moment to look at the unit price when faced with the decision of regular size, family size, jumbo, etc.

Same thing goes for items that come in singles and 2-pack deals. I've seen dental floss that are the same brand and size, neighbored right next to each other where it was obvious they were over-charging. You could get 2 of the 1 pack dental floss for almost 10 cents less than the 2 pack. Something to think about the next time you go shopping. It may only save you a little each time, but a little adds up! :)

Oh, and as always, don't forget to use your coupons!

I hope this Tip Tuesday was helpful. Have a great day everyone! :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

FREE Full Size Smashbox Lip Enhancing Mega Gloss (Limited Qty)

Today's Finish at Flawless Smashbox challenge 4-6 is to unlock a FREE Lip Enhancing Mega Gloss. Here are the answers to this week's questions:

Challenge 4: Legendary Lipstick
Challenge 5: SPF
Challenge 6: Photo Finish

Click the link here to be sent right to their Smashbox Facebook page.

Remember, you must 'Like' the page in order to be able to compete in the challenges. Quantities are limited so be sure to get over there quickly. Also, there may be some delay in the page loading due to high traffic. Good luck everyone! Be sure to click that 'Like' button on my Facebook page if you want to see more deals like this one! :)

Link to my Facebook page:

Link to Blog post for Challenge Answers 1-3:
They are no longer offering the mascara, but those challenges need to be completed 1st before you can do 4-6. Good luck everyone! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Companies Show Their Gratitude

You know all of those emails that go directly to the Spam folder? Well, sometimes it's someone posing as a familiar company to lure you to click their link. Companies want to know when this is happening so they can put a stop to it, and you might just get REWARDED for doing so.

Perfect example happened to me yesterday. I was checking my Yahoo email and saw a company that I've been in contact with in the past sitting in my Spam folder. I thought this was odd so I contacted them through their Facebook page. (Extra Tip: Facebook is usually the fastest way to get your questions answered from a company. Just leave a comment on their page and tag their company name in it so they get notified. :) I included the link that was in the email as well.

They responded saying that this was definitely not them and asked for all of the information associated with the email. THE BEST PART: They thanked me for letting them know and told me to message them with my address information because they wanted to send me a gift for their appreciation. I didn't do this expecting to get anything out of it. I just wanted to make sure the link was safe to click. lol It was a pleasant surprise! So I messaged them with my address information and they responded saying they were sending me a gift bag full of goodies!  A GIFT BAG!!!

So to wrap this up, if you see something that doesn't look right, contact the company to be sure. It could save your computer from a virus (which I was making sure to avoid), and if that company is truly grateful to their loyal customer who gave them a heads up, then you could be rewarded with a freebie item or maybe even coupons. :)

I hope this Tip Tuesday was helpful. Please note, I am asking to please only do this if it is actually happening. The company is going to want all the details of the email and more importantly, it wouldn't be right to mislead them. The reason for this post is to show the incentives of being honest and helpful. Honesty IS the best policy! Have a great day, everyone!

Please Note:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

FREE-Deluxe Sample of Smashbox Mascara!!!

Check out and Like Smashbox on Facebook to unlock. Then answer the challenge questions. Here, I'll make it easy for you. Here are the answers:
1) Smashbox Studios
2) 84
3) Twice a day

Then you will be prompted to give them your address information. Be sure to keep track of the challenge dates to win even more free samples. Hope this helps! Share with friends so they get a chance at some FREE High-End makeup! :)

Tip Tuesday: Rebuild Friendships/Relationships

I decided not to do the usual Tip Tuesday this week, but to talk about rebuilding relationships. For most of us, today's date has meant something different since 2001. Many of us were affected by such tragedy that our lives have changed forever. With that, I thought this would be a good time to take a moment to remember our fallen heros and the victims of the 9/11 attacks.

As we think about what happened that day, emotions may flood our mind and hearts. But with great tragedy, came great changes. We saw people coming together to help each other, to clean up the debre, to be a shoulder to lean on, and to help the injured. It makes me wonder sometimes, why it takes something really bad to happen before others show that they care. Something to think about.

What I really want you to take from reading this today, is that tomorrow is never promised. There may be someone you've lost touch with, had a falling out, or something that is keeping you apart from someone you care about. Whether you were in the wrong or not, think about how you would feel if you never repaired a relationship and it became too late. Of course there will be instances where it is better that you have moved on, but if it's a friendship that you hate living without, or a family member you haven't seen in years, take initiative and pick up that phone. Or better yet, write (not email) them a letter. Don't let pride get in the way of repairing something that could be so easily fixed.

I hope this week's Tip Tuesday has been helpful. And to those directly affected by this tragedy, know that I am praying for you and I will never forget.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Shopping Early for Christmas...YES, I Said Christmas! LOL

Now is the time to look for sales on bicycles and sports equipment that you want to gift for Christmas. Stores mark down their Summer items and that includes more than just clothes. You can usually find great deals in the Sporting Goods department, so keep an eye on your sale ads. Also, look and see if there is a clearance section for water guns, water slides and other summer-fun toys. But be cautious when buying water slides. That huge discount is great, but you are going to want to air it up to make sure there aren't any defects. That goes with any holiday gifts you purchase this far in advance.

Extra Tip: Inform yourself about each store and their return/exchange policy as well. Some may offer 180 days with a receipt and you will be safe, but usually places only offer a 30 or 90 day policy (and electronics could be even less) so you will want to make sure this purchase is one you want to keep.

I hope you enjoyed this week's Tip Tuesday! Keep an eye out for more great tips and projects coming soon.